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Final Comments

As my time at Seton Hill University comes to an end, I cannot be anything but grateful for every memory and experience I have gained. I appreciate everything Seton Hill's faculty, staff, and setonians have done for me for the past three years. When I came to SHU I felt nervous and unsure but with the guidance of my mentors and peers, I became acquainted with this beautiful university. As my classes passed, I never stopped to realize how much I have grown while attending SHU. My confidence has expanded through the experiences I have had during classes, leadership roles, and work-study positions. Overall, Seton Hill gave me all I need to express myself as an individual and I look forward to my future. 

Hazard Yet Forward

My Future & Concerns

As I prepare to move on from Seton Hill I realize that my future feels unknown. For the past three years, I have gone back and forth about what my career may be, what I want to do, and how I would change the world; but I am still scared and unsure of what's to come. Seton Hill has given me to the knowledge I need for my career,  but I feel as though I am lacking the understanding of where to start after I leave. My morals and values have expanded as well as my confidence; however, my knowledge of searching and finding jobs in my field is lacking. Within my final year, I plan to explore these options and find people on campus who might be able to help me make connections within my field. I want to make the most out of my senior year, and I want to use as many opportunities I can to help me achieve my goals. 

Moving on does not mean forgetting. Remember your roots. 

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